Be Completely Whole

In the bible I Thes 5:23 says ...may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved...God is telling us clearly what this chart reveals. We, just like God are three in one. Health therefore is more than physical. I was washing my car a few weeks back and got a revelation. I worked so hard cleaning the outside, that I ran out of energy to do the inside. The week before that I had taken it in for a 3000 mile service. The engine was good, the outside was now clean, but the inside was still a mess. Two of the three parts that make up my car were clean and up to date, but one area was undone. It was looking good, but wasn't complete. 

The word God uses in this bible verse is "santify you completely". God wants us totally healthy; spirit, soul, and body. It is so easy to fix up the physical, and not be healthy in the soul. Its just as easy to contend for soul health as in right choices and thinking, and not be in touch with the Spirit of God. 

Be sure to work on the whole person daily. Try your best not to develop a one dimensional life, or as the old folks used to say, "lopsided".  Prayer, worship and meditation feeds the spirit, the bible gives wisdom and direction to the soul, and exercise and healthy eating helps the body. Spiritual things must be contended for, soul issues thought through, and physical dangers avoided. The world focuses on one, but God says be complete. 

I have since then finished my car. You should see it now...Oh Yeah...its complete.