Amazing Love Letters
Robert & Elizabeth Browning
I read a moving story about Robert Browning and his wife Elizabeth. Their story has a powerful spiritual lesson, please read it and pass it on.
Robert Browning was one of England's foremost poets and play writers during Victorian years. When he met Elizabeth Barrett she had already published four books of poetry, was 39 years old, and semi invalid. She injured her spine at age 15 and was confined in London suffering lung problems. Her father was a jealous, dominating man who refused to allow any of his children to marry. Doomed to spend her life in bed, Elizabeth became a recluse.
The publication of one of her books brought her in contact with Robert Browning. He visited her, and they often wrote to each other. He encouraged her to make efforts to get out of bed, and resume a normal life. But this was met with strong resistance from her father. The father refused Browning from visiting her again, but the letters between them continued and they were soon in love. After a year, she escaped the bondage of her father and secretly married Browning. The moved to Italy, and it wasn't long until Elizabeth was gaining strength, and living active life. Her parents disowned her, but she wrote to them almost every week telling them how much she loved them, and wanted to reconcile. After 10 years of letter writing, she received a huge box in the mail. The box contained all the letters she had written to her parents, and not one of them was opened.
Elizabeth's love letters to her parents, have now become a precious part of English literature. Its so sad to know they were never read by her parents. The letters are heart felt, full of love and emotion. Had they just opened and read one of those letters, the relationship between them and Elizabeth could have been healed.
I've rewritten this story because of its spiritual implications. The parent wouldn't even read the letters. What a lesson about the real power of bitterness and unforgiveness. But another lesson about Gods love for the souls of men. The great effort God made to reach lost humanity and send us his love letters, the bible. Guess what, people won't even open it up and read it. Redemption and reconciliation are so close. How much pain, and emptiness could be healed if we'd just read the letters.
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Robert & Elizabeth Browning |
Robert Browning was one of England's foremost poets and play writers during Victorian years. When he met Elizabeth Barrett she had already published four books of poetry, was 39 years old, and semi invalid. She injured her spine at age 15 and was confined in London suffering lung problems. Her father was a jealous, dominating man who refused to allow any of his children to marry. Doomed to spend her life in bed, Elizabeth became a recluse.
The publication of one of her books brought her in contact with Robert Browning. He visited her, and they often wrote to each other. He encouraged her to make efforts to get out of bed, and resume a normal life. But this was met with strong resistance from her father. The father refused Browning from visiting her again, but the letters between them continued and they were soon in love. After a year, she escaped the bondage of her father and secretly married Browning. The moved to Italy, and it wasn't long until Elizabeth was gaining strength, and living active life. Her parents disowned her, but she wrote to them almost every week telling them how much she loved them, and wanted to reconcile. After 10 years of letter writing, she received a huge box in the mail. The box contained all the letters she had written to her parents, and not one of them was opened.
Elizabeth's love letters to her parents, have now become a precious part of English literature. Its so sad to know they were never read by her parents. The letters are heart felt, full of love and emotion. Had they just opened and read one of those letters, the relationship between them and Elizabeth could have been healed.
The bible, in Lam 3:22-23 teaches that, Gods mercies are new every morning, When you read the New Testament, you'll notice it was the normal practice of Jesus to rise up early and pray. One verse says, he rose up early before the sunrise, and went out to pray. Christ made it a habit to capture those early morning hours. Before the day begins, before the phones start ringing, before there are problems to solve, before temptation starts to work on us, we should follow Jesus example and catch that Morning Mercy.
Here are a few Lessons from this verse:
1. God made mercy available to us, before we even knew we needed it
2. Each day has the potential for sin and disobedience, but mercy is waiting to help us
3. Everyday can be a blessing and full of hope, if we'd start off seeking his mercy
4. Each mornings mercy is a new opportunity from God to wipe the slate clean, and make things right with God.
Now we know why the old folks used to say, "Lord have mercy". Its wasn't a cliche, it was a real prayer. Morning Mercy, lets catch it.

Not Easy Going to Hell
1:40 PM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
A very troubled man visited church last night. He had been drinking a bit and was hurting. He came for help, Yet he wouldn't respond to God or let me pray for him.
I realized, going to hell is not easy. You have to fight the Love of God, survive the drawing of the Spirit, ignore the bible, resist many prayers, silence your conscience, deny powerful testimonies, block out conviction and refuse a gospel of mercy.
In light of Gods great love, its takes a lot to be lost. Why do people fight? SURRENDER.
T.V. raises risk of health problems, dying young
By Amanda Gardner,
June 14, 2011 4:17 p.m. EDT
For every additional two hours people spend watching TV, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 20%.
- More TV you watch, the more likely you are to die at an earlier age
- New analysis elevates the importance of the sedentary lifestyle as a risk factor
- Americans spend no fewer than five hours a day in front of the TV
( -- No one ever claimed that watching TV was healthy, but doctors are only now discovering just how bad it can be.
Evidence from a spate of recent studies suggests that the more TV you watch, the more likely you are to develop a host of health problems and to die at an earlier age.
In a new analysis published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers combined data from eight such studies and found that for every additional two hours people spend glued to the tube on a typical day, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 20% and their risk of heart disease increases by 15%.
And for every additional three hours the study participants spent in front of the TV, their risk of dying from any cause during the respective studies jumped 13%, on average.
"When put together, the findings are remarkably consistent across different studies and different populations," says Frank Hu, M.D., a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston, Massachusetts, who coauthored the analysis.
The increased risk of disease tied to TV watching "is similar to what you see with high cholesterol or blood pressure or smoking," says Stephen Kopecky, M.D., a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who was not involved in the research. The new analysis, he adds, "elevates the importance of the sedentary lifestyle" as a risk factor.
"[TV watching] is not a good behavior for you no matter where you are in life, whether you're young or old," Kopecky says.
Extended TV watching has reached epidemic proportions, especially in the U.S.
Around the world, people spend more time engaged in this pastime than in any other activity except working and sleeping, but by one estimate the average American spends no fewer than five hours a day in front of the TV -- more than Europeans and Australians.
"That's a lot," Hu says.
The connection between TV and disease isn't a mystery. TV watching eats up leisure time that could be spent walking, exercising, or even just moving around, and it has also been linked to unhealthy diets, including consuming too much sugar, soda, processed food, and snacks -- foods, perhaps not coincidentally, that are often found in television commercials.
Here are a few Lessons from this verse:
1. God made mercy available to us, before we even knew we needed it
2. Each day has the potential for sin and disobedience, but mercy is waiting to help us
3. Everyday can be a blessing and full of hope, if we'd start off seeking his mercy
4. Each mornings mercy is a new opportunity from God to wipe the slate clean, and make things right with God.
Now we know why the old folks used to say, "Lord have mercy". Its wasn't a cliche, it was a real prayer. Morning Mercy, lets catch it.
A very troubled man visited church last night. He had been drinking a bit and was hurting. He came for help, Yet he wouldn't respond to God or let me pray for him.
I realized, going to hell is not easy. You have to fight the Love of God, survive the drawing of the Spirit, ignore the bible, resist many prayers, silence your conscience, deny powerful testimonies, block out conviction and refuse a gospel of mercy.
In light of Gods great love, its takes a lot to be lost. Why do people fight? SURRENDER.
By Amanda Gardner,
June 14, 2011 4:17 p.m. EDT
For every additional two hours people spend watching TV, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 20%.
- More TV you watch, the more likely you are to die at an earlier age
- New analysis elevates the importance of the sedentary lifestyle as a risk factor
- Americans spend no fewer than five hours a day in front of the TV
( -- No one ever claimed that watching TV was healthy, but doctors are only now discovering just how bad it can be.
Evidence from a spate of recent studies suggests that the more TV you watch, the more likely you are to develop a host of health problems and to die at an earlier age.
In a new analysis published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers combined data from eight such studies and found that for every additional two hours people spend glued to the tube on a typical day, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 20% and their risk of heart disease increases by 15%.
And for every additional three hours the study participants spent in front of the TV, their risk of dying from any cause during the respective studies jumped 13%, on average.
"When put together, the findings are remarkably consistent across different studies and different populations," says Frank Hu, M.D., a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston, Massachusetts, who coauthored the analysis.
The increased risk of disease tied to TV watching "is similar to what you see with high cholesterol or blood pressure or smoking," says Stephen Kopecky, M.D., a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who was not involved in the research. The new analysis, he adds, "elevates the importance of the sedentary lifestyle" as a risk factor.
"[TV watching] is not a good behavior for you no matter where you are in life, whether you're young or old," Kopecky says.
Extended TV watching has reached epidemic proportions, especially in the U.S.
Around the world, people spend more time engaged in this pastime than in any other activity except working and sleeping, but by one estimate the average American spends no fewer than five hours a day in front of the TV -- more than Europeans and Australians.
"That's a lot," Hu says.
9:53 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
I was recently reading about a new High Security prison being built and got inspired. All over the world we incarcerated hundreds of thousands of men and women, who for what ever reason can't control their passions for crime, violence, and evil. Its also true that daily many people are powerless to control their appetites for drugs, alcohol, and perversion. It must be painful for God, to see what has become of mankind, made in his image.
The reason this inspired me is because, as a race, humanity has mastered so many things. Think about it; man has created massive ships to master the sea. What about space craft, planes and rockets, that master the sky. Skyscrapers, bridges and motorways have mastered the landscape. Large zoos that have mastered the animal kingdom. Its amazing the things that man has accomplished. Look at our many universities with great programs in science, medicine, engineering, agriculture, chemistry and computers. But with all of this learning and knowledge, humanity CAN'T master the inner man.
Greed has ruined the economy. Selfishness has destroyed families. Lust has caused pain, abuse, and sickness. Alcohol and drugs have killed and maimed millions. Racism and hate has divided many and caused war. IS THERE AN ANSWER?
Gods apostle Paul spoke about this condition in Romans 7:19-25. He said, the things I don't want to do I do, and the things I should do I can't do. The bible says our problem is THIS BODY OF DEATH (SIN), The only answer he says is Christ Jesus. The bible says.."Christ in you the hope of Glory".
God Uses People Who are Not Perfect
8:23 PM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
Someone sent me this. I'm not sure of its origin. I found a good picture to add to it, its worth spreading around because its TRUE. Be encouraged and encourage someone else with it.
Jacob was a cheater, Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Paul was a murderer, Gideon was insecure, Miriam was a gossiper, Martha was a worrier, Thomas was a doubter, Sara was impatient, Elijah was moody, Moses stuttered, Zaccheus was short, Abraham was old, and Lazarus was dead...Now what’s your excuse? Can God use you or not? God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the CALLED.
11:51 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
Which of these images represent a real man. One picture is a group of christian soldiers from an infantry division, praying before a mission. The other is a couch potato brother with chips a coke and a remote control. One picture commands respect, the other cries shame.
Jesus in Matt 7:13-14, said "Enter the narrow gate". Christ explained that the broad way is easy and many follow the easy way into ruin. He also said "the narrow way was difficult". Its so human to want what is easy, but Jesus taught that this frame of mind leads to destruction. Real spirituality chooses the narrow road and serves God.
Judge for yourself, which is harder:
1. Watching two hours of T.V. (or) Reading two hours of the Bible
2. Sleeping until 10:00am (or) Getting up at 5:00am to go to work
3. Cursing your wife when she upsets you (or) bearing the hurt, forgiving her, and blessing her
4. Spending on credit, getting stuff, and suffering later (or) Living within your means, deny self, & save
5. Backslide when things are hard, and complain (or) Hang tough, trust God, and endure hardness
6. Spend money on sporting events with friends (or) Take family to church and give to God
7. Playing for two hours (or) Praying for two hours
8. Following the world (or) Following God
9. Living with doubt (or) Living by Faith
Jesus taught that, the harder choice is the one that connects us to the saving grace of God. It fulfills, gives meaning, establishes honor, develops character, and leads us into everlasting life. REAL MEN SERVE GOD. Which photo best demonstrates your life?

Lazy pleasure seeking mama's boy

Christian Infantry-Men
Bible Laws that will Change your life Forever: For Sure
7:46 PM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
1. THE LAW OF FORGIVENESS: Matt 6:14...forgive and you shall be forgiven...
2. THE LAW OF GIVING: Luke 6:38...give and it shall be given to you.....
3. THE LAW OF PRAYER: Matt 7:7...ask and it shall be given to you....
4. THE LAW OF THE HARVEST: Gal 6:7...whatever a man sows he will reap....
5. THE LAW OF RESCIPROSITY: Mark 4:24...the same measure you use will be used on you...
6. THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH: Rom 6:23...sin always brings death...
7. THE LAW OF HUMILITY: James 4:6...God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble...
8. LAW OF FAITH: Mark 11:24...believe that you will receive...and you shall have them...
Apply the law and it will work for you, violate the law and you'll live with the consequences. The most joyful of all biblical laws is the last one;
9. LAW OF SALVATION: Rom 10:13...whoever calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved
Keep Getting Up
11:00 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
When I saw this graphic, I was instantly inspired. Success really does come from many failures. This is not just a good business concept, its the bible. The book of Proverbs 24:16 says, "a just (righteous) man will fall seven times and will rise again. God says here that getting back up identifies the fallen as righteous. WOW. Thats not how most people see it. I'm sure that in todays world and even in todays church, if someone falls seven times, he would not be called a righteous person or a success. I'm almost 100% sure I've heard fallen ones called wicked or evil. Wicked is not what they are when they fall, its what they become when depression, criticism, gossip and branding convinces them that they can't get up.
Real success in secular life and in christianity is not a birth right, its a process. Be saved, love Jesus, read the bible, pray, and when you fall, get back up. Don't live discouraged. Every time Jesus fell to the ground with that cross on his back, he kept getting up. He made it to Calvary, where he became the ultimate SUCCESS. Keep getting up!!
The Way Has Already Been Made
9:12 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
Recorded in Mark 16: 2-5 is a great little portion of the Easter story. Its says that the two Marys and Salome came early on Easter morning to anoint the body of Jesus. In verse 3 they ask the question "who will roll away the stone...for us?" The next verse says, as they approach the tomb, they saw that the stone was already rolled away. An angel of God had come, and moved it beforehand.
They assumed a problem before one exsisted. God knew they were on the way, and had already provided for them. Imagine the unnecessary torment and worry they had thinking they couldn't get the stone removed. Here is a good lesson to remember from Easter. Don't imagine problems that don't exsist, and when problems do arise, know that God sees before we do, and always make a way. Don't God.
Stay On Point With The Gospel
12:14 PM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
Just this last week, I've come across three different national surveys, that reveal a dangerous trend. Nationally many people both secular and religious, are accepting the popular belief, that Jesus Christ is not the only way to heaven. David Campbell, an author did a survey for a recent book. He surveyed 3000 protestants, 54% said christianity may not be the only way to heaven. USA Today a major American newspaper, surveyed confessing christians and found that 52% said, eternal life is not exclusive to those accepting Jesus. The last survey was a Pew Research Poll showing 57% of Evangelicals said, many religions can lead to Eternal life.
This is fearful considering the times we are living in. Jesus (the only savior) said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the father but by me". What is confusing about this? Its clear from the bible that Christ ALONE can bring salvation, which gives eternal life.
Popular culture is pushing an effective, yet deceptive message. Television, movies, the internet, colleges, along with entertainers seem to be getting through, even to church people. For years Holy Ghost preachers have been warning about the dangers of the media and its message. Right now, those forces seem to be winning the battle for the minds of our generation. The christian church must press the real message of Jesus as never before. If you are a part of the church, preach it without compromise. If you are searching, look to Christ not ungodly Hollywood.
When its all over, the truth of God will shine strong. You must be born again. Only Jesus can do
In the bible I Thes 5:23 says ...may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved...God is telling us clearly what this chart reveals. We, just like God are three in one. Health therefore is more than physical. I was washing my car a few weeks back and got a revelation. I worked so hard cleaning the outside, that I ran out of energy to do the inside. The week before that I had taken it in for a 3000 mile service. The engine was good, the outside was now clean, but the inside was still a mess. Two of the three parts that make up my car were clean and up to date, but one area was undone. It was looking good, but wasn't complete.
The word God uses in this bible verse is "santify you completely". God wants us totally healthy; spirit, soul, and body. It is so easy to fix up the physical, and not be healthy in the soul. Its just as easy to contend for soul health as in right choices and thinking, and not be in touch with the Spirit of God.
Be sure to work on the whole person daily. Try your best not to develop a one dimensional life, or as the old folks used to say, "lopsided". Prayer, worship and meditation feeds the spirit, the bible gives wisdom and direction to the soul, and exercise and healthy eating helps the body. Spiritual things must be contended for, soul issues thought through, and physical dangers avoided. The world focuses on one, but God says be complete.
I have since then finished my car. You should see it now...Oh Yeah...its complete.
World Economy In Bible Prophesy; 28 Jan 2011
11:52 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
I've just finished a bible study concerning "bible prophesy and the economy". I got interested after hearing one of our top economist say, the current national debt, and budget deficit are unsustainable. Everybody knows if you spend more than you make, it won't be long before your finances hit the tipping point (a crash). The bible teaches that at the end of the age, when the Anti-Christ rules as Satan on the earth, that his power over the world will be economic Rev 13:17-18. Its only a global economic crash that can consolidate such power to one man.
We need to be aware of how close we are to such as economic collapse. This awareness will inspire us to live a life that matters, and encourage our evangelistic efforts through the church. Every nation on the planet is feeling the pressure of devalued currency, inflation, and outrageous debt. In America the national debt is 14 Trillion dollars. Here is a perspective on how much a trillion is. A million seconds is 12 days, a billion seconds is 31 years, a trillion seconds is 31,688 years. A trillion is a very big number. I read that the interest on our debt is 41 million dollars a day. As you see in the chart I've added, our shortfall is 1.27 trillion for this year alone. This is unsustainable.
To add to this debt problem, we are also facing a global fertility problem. Less people marrying and having children, mean less of a work force, thus less national income. The increased acceptance of same sex marraige means, further relationships that cannot produce children. Add to this the millions of abortions worldwide (60 million alone in the U.S.A. since 1973) and the pool of tax payers continues to shrink.
The Prophets of God have warned of this for years, but with the warning is a glorious hope. We can't stop what God has ordained, but we can prepare. The closer we are to this collapse, just puts us even closer to the coming of Jesus. Our hope can't be in politics, or Big business, our hope is Salvation as preached by the Lord Jesus Christ. This world is not permanent. To love this world and its things, is to miss Gods eternal plan for mankind. The love of money and sin has put this world on a course to collide with God. And as in the bible, God always wins. If you are a child of God, stay close to him. Do your best to clear your debts and save. If you are not a christian, its time now to look up to the cross, where the blood of Jesus still provides mercy to lost humanity. Head to church this week, surrender to God, and live to please him until he comes. You can reach me through my email address posted on the blog.
2:48 PM | Posted by Marty Carnegie
The "check engine indicator" came on in my car last month. When I took it in for repairs, the repair shop told me the cost would be $1025.00. After the initial shock, I asked him why it was so costly. The problem he described didn't seem so expensive. He started a lot of technical mechanic talk about a computerized detection system, and exhaust distribution. I said, "just break it down into simple english". He said, most of the newer cars have onboard computers which cause the repair cost to rise. After a while, I got his point. The cost of the repairs, can tell you a lot about the value of the car. Cheap car means cheap repairs, expensive cars means expensive repairs.
The entire human race has been broken by sin. The bible says "there is none righteous, no not one". God didn't fix humanity with therapy. He didn't use angels, or like politicians just throw money at the problem. In I Peter 1:18-19, the scripture says, we were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. Think about it for just a minute. It cost God the life of his son. What does the cost of fixing humanity say about the value of a soul. Rejoice, God is in love with you.
Very Religious Americans Lead Healthier Lives
December 23, 2010
Very religious Americans are less likely to report that they smoke and are more likely to say they eat well and exercise regularly than those who are moderately religious or nonreligious. Nonreligious Americans have the worst health habits of the three groups.
This article appeared in the Gallup wellbeing news section. It looks like salvation is not just good for the souls, but also good for your health.
6:01 PM | Posted by Marty Carnegie
Every year during the holiday season we preachers pray and contend for new ways to tell the two thousand year old story of Christ's birth. Along with telling the story of Christ's birth, I always seek to expose the secular worlds attempts to redefine what the season is.
Years ago I heard a story about a family who had a new baby, and as part of the celebrations for the new arrival, they had a baby dedication at their church. After the service friends and family were invited to the house for a grand reception and fellowship. When guests arrived the new baby was fast asleep, so the mother safely placed the child on the bed in her bedroom for a nap. One by one the guests came in, and members of the family took their coats and jackets and placed them on the bed. It wasn't long before the newborn baby was accidentally covered over by the garments. As the night went on someone asked where is the baby. When the child's mother went to get the baby, she realized that without knowing it, the family had completely covered the child with garments. As she pull back the clothes, to her shock the baby had suffocated to death. Everyone was having such a good time, they had forgotten the reason for being there, and killed the guest of honor.
No one should forget why we celebrate Christmas and who the honored guest is. We all enjoy the Christmas holiday season, but remember; The holiday is not about Christmas as much as it is about Christ. A Christmas holiday is not in the bible, but the birth of Christ is. Christmas day as a holiday was established to remember the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. If Jesus is not in the center of the holiday joy, then plain and simply it is not Christmas.
Wouldn't it be silly for someone to me to give them gifts on my birthday. They are to give me things I want, after all, its my birthday. Lets give Jesus what he wants this Christmas.

Pacific tanker caught in storm

U.S. Coast Guard rescue ship in a storm
On Sunday night in our home church here in Tucson Arizona, Pastor Fred Gonzalez preached a very inspiring message to our congregation. The title of his message was "the old battered ship". I was so moved by the truth of the message, that I asked his permission to post a commentary about it on this blog.
His main point was simple yet powerful. God's church (the body of Christ) is like a ship. Though beaten and battered, during a storm its still the safest place to be. He asked a question during the sermon. What would your life be without the church. I realized during the message that, the church never seems to get the credit it deserves. We are all saved because of the churches commitment to outreach, many met our spouses at church, got married at church, were blessed and ordained at church, dedicated our kids at church, buried our loved ones at church, and were taught the principles of God at church.
I know form being a pastor for years, that human nature with all its flaws can create many painful and difficult circumstances. Because the church is made up of people, it will surely be affected by decisions people make, both good and bad. Politicians and intellectuals attack the church. Economic hardship cripples the church. Moral failures embarrass the church, and disgruntled people criticize the church. So often the church is told, it didn't give enough, move fast enough, or respond sufficiently to a need. All of this constitutes a real battering. You can see what I mean by looking at the pictures I've posted of the two ships in a storm. Read church history and you'll see a long trail of persecution, assault, and criticism.

Our home church in Tucson Arizona
After saying all of this, the glory of the church is that it is still sailing on. Just like an old battered ship. It may look beaten and tattered, but the people are still safe inside. No one in the above pictures would even consider jumping out of the ship into the sea. I'm sure its not comfortable in there, but I do know its safer in the ship than in the sea. The church has taken a lot of abuse, but its still sailing, and if you'll stay in, the old battered ship will get you safely to the harbor. The harbor is the docking place where there is refreshing, and rest. Its the place the bible calls heaven, where our Lord Jesus has prepared our eternal home. History praises many famous ship captains, but not one can compare to the captain of the host, Jesus. Stay on board.
There are lots of biblical verses that convict to the point of fear. One is the verse that says backsliders end up "seven times worse". Another is the scripture in Matthew 7:21 that says, "not everyone who says Lord..will enter the kingdom". I could mention a few others, but you get the point.
We are now officially in the holiday season. Thanksgiving followed by Christmas. Though these are spiritual traditions, the world has been successful in turning this time into a carnal frenzy of materialism, spending, and partying. So many become instantly selfish for the holidays. God's purpose for this time of year is to reflect spiritually, enjoy family, and be thankful. The bible has always highlighted gratitude as one of the most blessed virtues. Not only does thankfulness keep us humble, but it also opens the spirit to greater dimensions of revelation and growth.
Romans 1:21 is one of those unique verses I mentioned that causes us to shake with alarm. It says,"..they did not glorify him..niether were they thankful.." It goes on to describe, darkened and foolish hearts that come from ingratitude. Its so clear that gratitude blesses the spiritual man, while ingratitude brings a curse. It should be our normal practice to attend church and thank God for his son Jesus. Imagine how sweet life would be if all the world would stop and say Thank-You Jesus. The same sweetness would happen if we all thanked those who have helped us along lifes journey. Think of the contribution of Parents, spouses, teachers, advisors, even blessed neighbors and friends. Write a letter, send a gift, make a phone call, send a text or email this holiday season to just say thank-you. You would be amazed what it will do for the recipient. The bible already teaches us what it will do for you. Be thankful, you'll be a blessing and you'll get a blessing. Lets take this special time of year and make it what it should be. A time of worship, reflection, and gratitude to God first, and to all those he's put in our life to love us unconditionally. Thank-You God for giving us Jesus...Thank-You Jesus for giving your life for us.
All throughout life there are examples of the confusion that exists between the words Urgent and Important. Urgency is usually associated with the need for immediate attention. But in our generation of changing words, definitions need to be re-established. Just think, today it would be considered urgent to get to a hair appointment or to a sporting event on time. Last minute holiday shopping could be considered urgent or maybe even getting some drinks for an upcoming party before the shop closes. Our unique generation is suffering spiritually because we alter word meanings. This is the case with urgent and important. If something is pressing us for attention we give it urgent status. Usually people will drop all else, put things off, or even ignore things to attend to the urgent. The problem I'm talking about arises when urgent is not important. I knew a mother years ago, who would leave her three year old daughter with anyone she could find, so she could go out for the night with a married man. She felt an urgent need to have a babysitter, but never realized that the importance of looking after her child is far greater than her self made emergency. The word importance is defined as "something having significant value". People have value not things. Souls have value not possessions. The urgency of life must never be greater than the importance of your soul and its relationship with God. In the bible book of Acts 26:28, King Agrippa said to Paul the apostle, "you almost persuaded me to be a christian". Can you see his confusion. Its important that he get saved, but some self imposed urgency is keeping him from God. Make sure you keep it straight. The urgent pulls of life will always challenge the important issues of God. You future and eternity are determined by getting it right. Salvation is IMPORTANT!!!!
During my recent trip to the United Kingdom, I was once again made aware of the importance of the word sacrifice. It has always been a word that brings up mixed feelings especially in christian service, and almost always in marraige. The bible verse in Romans 12:1 says "present your body..a living sacrifice". We seem to hear it, but not really enjoy it. During the conference in Rotherhithe, I watched as the members of the church put on a major display of sacrifice. The church staff sacrificed to make sure all the delegates were looked after and comfortable. The ladies serving during the break sacrificed to refresh the visitors. The disciples sacrificed as ushers and parking attendants. The worship team sacrificed to prepare to lead us into the presence of God. I saw it everywhere. Even Ps Ajala stayed up till 3:00am with me on my final night in England, wow what a sacrifice. It was especially real when the couples answered the call to pioneer new churches both overseas and in England. What makes me so grateful, is to know that, none of this was pushed or forced on these saints, they offered it as a sacrifice to God. This is what advances the Kingdom of God, this is what Satan hates. Our human nature is naturally selfish, and despises sacrifice. This is why God makes such a big deal about it, and promises to reward it so graciously. Read Gods's promise in Mark 10:29-30, he promises all who sacrifice, one hundred fold in this life and in the life to come eternal life. Never run from sacrifice, remember we are saved because of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. He didn't have to do it, but true love always makes a worthy sacrifice. We should follow his example in our devotional life, giving, and family. Remember sacrifice in the seed for your joy filled future in Christ. Stay blessed
The bible says in Psalms 119:89 "forever oh Lord, thy word is settled in heaven". Pretty awesome words, wouldn't you agree? Doesn't it mean that whatever is in The Bible, is set, established, and unchangeable? I get another revelation from this verse, simply that the bible is designed to be our manual for Core Values.
I was working out in California with a trainer recently. I explained my normal routine to him, and he told me I was going about it all wrong. He told me real fitness is that which strenghens the Core. As he explained, I realized that all of the cosmetic fitness is for looks. Core training works the part of us, that might not show in huge biceps, but will hold us, give endurance, and create balance for a lifetime. Really good fitness trainers will focus on what I now know to be called Core Training.
This is what God is revealing in the Scripture I quoted. The Bible is the Core. Many things may be interesting in this life, but real living much be based on the Core. At the center of an apple is its core. All that we enjoy about eating apples, is its flesh centered around the core. God created us to be centered around his word. In the bible there are core values and core principles that if ignored, will make life hard and painful. Many good peoples lives have been cut short because they have rejected Gods core biblical truth. The ten commandments are a good place to start getting re-familiar with Gods Core. They are listed in Exodus 20:1-17. We all need spiritual core training for a life of blessing and service to God. Be Blessed!
Our World Needs a Move of God...Again
8:25 AM | Posted by Marty Carnegie
In new testement book of Acts, a very revealing story takes place. Acts 8: 5-8 says Philip the evangelist went to Samaria preaching Christ, and a revival broke out. This is the cry of Gods heart as well as the hope of the world. This was not man generated or denominationally organized, God came down in power. This is what preaching does, challenges the wrong mindsets of the world, breaks sins power in peoples lives, and establishes dominion over the demonic world. Today we have a culture lost and out of control. Every agency known to man is trying to fix the problems of Violence, drugs, alcoholism, sexual abuse, perversion, hate, racism, crime, suicide, the list goes on. So far nothing has worked. Not even the mighty talk show gurus of our time can help. They talk, gain ratings, and send people home broken. These bible verses tell of God's solution. In verse six it says "they heeded the things spoken by Philip"
Notice the results; vs7, unclean spirits came out, the possessed were free, the paralyzed and lame were healed. Revival fixes everything. When people turn to Jesus, the can forgive, manage money, restore families, break addictions, and function as God intended. Our society needs to stop looking to the world to fix what it has broken, and look to Christ the one who brings revival. Get saved, get in church, serve God, and watch what happens. Vs8 says "and there was great joy in that city". This is what we want, Jesus Christ is where its found.
In the Old Testement, Amos 6:1 says "woe to you who are at ease in zion..". Do you think it strange that God would pronounce a bad outlook for the future on ease. The verse should get our attention because we all like ease. Come on be for real here, we like easy work, easy money, easy school. Because I travel a lot, I sure do appreciate flying into the easy airports. I don't love fast food, but sometime its easier than the hassel of waiting lists at a finer resturant. Its part of living in this flesh, we like ease.
God says ease is not good in zion (the city or house of God). When it comes to spiritual things, easier is not better. Its not always easy to pray, but pray we must. Living a life of discipline isn't easy, but the benefits are without question. Its easier to lie than tell the truth, its easier to be selfish than to serve. I've spoken to quite a few people who've said to me its easier to be on welfare than it is to work a full time job and pay taxes. All of this may be true, but we can't ignore the bible. God says "WOE". The future will not be bright for anyone who lives for ease. Consider the future for someone who enjoys the ease of sleeping all day. What future do they have. Or think about a couple who knows it would be easier to divorce than to work out their issues, and fight for the family. You may be facing a choice; the easy way or Gods way. Don't do what feels easiest, but do that which will bless the days ahead, and give God glory. Remember; easier feels better but its not always best. Be Blessed.
Distorted View of Christianity
5:56 PM | Posted by Marty Carnegie
For a long time, I've been wanting to post comments on critical issues of our day, but time has always hindered me. Today I have a few hours to spare, and wanted to sound off about a recent conversation I had. As I shared Christ with a young man, I was frustrated with his distorted view of Christianity. Though he was articulate and knowledgeable, he was clearly ignorant of biblical christianity.
No matter what I said about Jesus and his sacrificial death on the cross, he always managed to return to a discussion of right and wrong. His view of christianity was nothing more than a code of ethics and morality. His view is quite popular around the world today. So many people think christianity is a conduct code to make people good. Christ will surely make people good, but the message of the bible is firstly to be saved. The good in christianity is the by-product of salvation. We are not saved by being good, but being saved allows us to be good. My friends thinking distorts the gospel message, and causes many to miss the real power of the redemption story.
This distortion is now common among believers. In Josh Mcdowell's book "the last christian generation" he gives results of a survey to young christians. 70% believe that doing good will help you get into heaven. Jesus clearly told Nicodemus in John 3, that goodness is not the ticket to eternal life. He said "you must be born again". Once right and wrong identifies the gospel, the next debate becomes, who's right and who's wrong. This was what my friend and I kept debating. I was constantly confronted with comments like, "what makes you right and me wrong, or whats right for you may not be right for me. While he wanted to play this philosophical ping pong game, he couldn't understand the sin nature and the mercy of Jesus.
Remember this, God solved the sin problem of humanity by giving Jesus to die for us. God chose to forgive sins by faith in Christ, this is the joy of the gospel. whether you are good, bad, weak, strong. Once saved, the desire to be good becomes our gift to God to demostrate his power and witness his faithfulness to a lost world
Labels: Keeping it straight
I was recently reading about a new High Security prison being built and got inspired. All over the world we incarcerated hundreds of thousands of men and women, who for what ever reason can't control their passions for crime, violence, and evil. Its also true that daily many people are powerless to control their appetites for drugs, alcohol, and perversion. It must be painful for God, to see what has become of mankind, made in his image.
The reason this inspired me is because, as a race, humanity has mastered so many things. Think about it; man has created massive ships to master the sea. What about space craft, planes and rockets, that master the sky. Skyscrapers, bridges and motorways have mastered the landscape. Large zoos that have mastered the animal kingdom. Its amazing the things that man has accomplished. Look at our many universities with great programs in science, medicine, engineering, agriculture, chemistry and computers. But with all of this learning and knowledge, humanity CAN'T master the inner man.
Greed has ruined the economy. Selfishness has destroyed families. Lust has caused pain, abuse, and sickness. Alcohol and drugs have killed and maimed millions. Racism and hate has divided many and caused war. IS THERE AN ANSWER?
Gods apostle Paul spoke about this condition in Romans 7:19-25. He said, the things I don't want to do I do, and the things I should do I can't do. The bible says our problem is THIS BODY OF DEATH (SIN), The only answer he says is Christ Jesus. The bible says.."Christ in you the hope of Glory".
Jacob was a cheater, Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Paul was a murderer, Gideon was insecure, Miriam was a gossiper, Martha was a worrier, Thomas was a doubter, Sara was impatient, Elijah was moody, Moses stuttered, Zaccheus was short, Abraham was old, and Lazarus was dead...Now what’s your excuse? Can God use you or not? God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the CALLED.
Jesus in Matt 7:13-14, said "Enter the narrow gate". Christ explained that the broad way is easy and many follow the easy way into ruin. He also said "the narrow way was difficult". Its so human to want what is easy, but Jesus taught that this frame of mind leads to destruction. Real spirituality chooses the narrow road and serves God.
Judge for yourself, which is harder:
1. Watching two hours of T.V. (or) Reading two hours of the Bible
2. Sleeping until 10:00am (or) Getting up at 5:00am to go to work
3. Cursing your wife when she upsets you (or) bearing the hurt, forgiving her, and blessing her
4. Spending on credit, getting stuff, and suffering later (or) Living within your means, deny self, & save
5. Backslide when things are hard, and complain (or) Hang tough, trust God, and endure hardness
6. Spend money on sporting events with friends (or) Take family to church and give to God
7. Playing for two hours (or) Praying for two hours
8. Following the world (or) Following God
9. Living with doubt (or) Living by Faith
Jesus taught that, the harder choice is the one that connects us to the saving grace of God. It fulfills, gives meaning, establishes honor, develops character, and leads us into everlasting life. REAL MEN SERVE GOD. Which photo best demonstrates your life?
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Lazy pleasure seeking mama's boy |
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Christian Infantry-Men |
1. THE LAW OF FORGIVENESS: Matt 6:14...forgive and you shall be forgiven...
2. THE LAW OF GIVING: Luke 6:38...give and it shall be given to you.....
3. THE LAW OF PRAYER: Matt 7:7...ask and it shall be given to you....
4. THE LAW OF THE HARVEST: Gal 6:7...whatever a man sows he will reap....
5. THE LAW OF RESCIPROSITY: Mark 4:24...the same measure you use will be used on you...
6. THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH: Rom 6:23...sin always brings death...
7. THE LAW OF HUMILITY: James 4:6...God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble...
8. LAW OF FAITH: Mark 11:24...believe that you will receive...and you shall have them...
Apply the law and it will work for you, violate the law and you'll live with the consequences. The most joyful of all biblical laws is the last one;
9. LAW OF SALVATION: Rom 10:13...whoever calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved
Keep Getting Up
11:00 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
When I saw this graphic, I was instantly inspired. Success really does come from many failures. This is not just a good business concept, its the bible. The book of Proverbs 24:16 says, "a just (righteous) man will fall seven times and will rise again. God says here that getting back up identifies the fallen as righteous. WOW. Thats not how most people see it. I'm sure that in todays world and even in todays church, if someone falls seven times, he would not be called a righteous person or a success. I'm almost 100% sure I've heard fallen ones called wicked or evil. Wicked is not what they are when they fall, its what they become when depression, criticism, gossip and branding convinces them that they can't get up.
Real success in secular life and in christianity is not a birth right, its a process. Be saved, love Jesus, read the bible, pray, and when you fall, get back up. Don't live discouraged. Every time Jesus fell to the ground with that cross on his back, he kept getting up. He made it to Calvary, where he became the ultimate SUCCESS. Keep getting up!!
Real success in secular life and in christianity is not a birth right, its a process. Be saved, love Jesus, read the bible, pray, and when you fall, get back up. Don't live discouraged. Every time Jesus fell to the ground with that cross on his back, he kept getting up. He made it to Calvary, where he became the ultimate SUCCESS. Keep getting up!!
The Way Has Already Been Made
9:12 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
Recorded in Mark 16: 2-5 is a great little portion of the Easter story. Its says that the two Marys and Salome came early on Easter morning to anoint the body of Jesus. In verse 3 they ask the question "who will roll away the stone...for us?" The next verse says, as they approach the tomb, they saw that the stone was already rolled away. An angel of God had come, and moved it beforehand.
They assumed a problem before one exsisted. God knew they were on the way, and had already provided for them. Imagine the unnecessary torment and worry they had thinking they couldn't get the stone removed. Here is a good lesson to remember from Easter. Don't imagine problems that don't exsist, and when problems do arise, know that God sees before we do, and always make a way. Don't God.
Stay On Point With The Gospel
12:14 PM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
Just this last week, I've come across three different national surveys, that reveal a dangerous trend. Nationally many people both secular and religious, are accepting the popular belief, that Jesus Christ is not the only way to heaven. David Campbell, an author did a survey for a recent book. He surveyed 3000 protestants, 54% said christianity may not be the only way to heaven. USA Today a major American newspaper, surveyed confessing christians and found that 52% said, eternal life is not exclusive to those accepting Jesus. The last survey was a Pew Research Poll showing 57% of Evangelicals said, many religions can lead to Eternal life.
This is fearful considering the times we are living in. Jesus (the only savior) said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the father but by me". What is confusing about this? Its clear from the bible that Christ ALONE can bring salvation, which gives eternal life.
Popular culture is pushing an effective, yet deceptive message. Television, movies, the internet, colleges, along with entertainers seem to be getting through, even to church people. For years Holy Ghost preachers have been warning about the dangers of the media and its message. Right now, those forces seem to be winning the battle for the minds of our generation. The christian church must press the real message of Jesus as never before. If you are a part of the church, preach it without compromise. If you are searching, look to Christ not ungodly Hollywood.
When its all over, the truth of God will shine strong. You must be born again. Only Jesus can do
In the bible I Thes 5:23 says ...may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved...God is telling us clearly what this chart reveals. We, just like God are three in one. Health therefore is more than physical. I was washing my car a few weeks back and got a revelation. I worked so hard cleaning the outside, that I ran out of energy to do the inside. The week before that I had taken it in for a 3000 mile service. The engine was good, the outside was now clean, but the inside was still a mess. Two of the three parts that make up my car were clean and up to date, but one area was undone. It was looking good, but wasn't complete.
The word God uses in this bible verse is "santify you completely". God wants us totally healthy; spirit, soul, and body. It is so easy to fix up the physical, and not be healthy in the soul. Its just as easy to contend for soul health as in right choices and thinking, and not be in touch with the Spirit of God.
Be sure to work on the whole person daily. Try your best not to develop a one dimensional life, or as the old folks used to say, "lopsided". Prayer, worship and meditation feeds the spirit, the bible gives wisdom and direction to the soul, and exercise and healthy eating helps the body. Spiritual things must be contended for, soul issues thought through, and physical dangers avoided. The world focuses on one, but God says be complete.
I have since then finished my car. You should see it now...Oh Yeah...its complete.
World Economy In Bible Prophesy; 28 Jan 2011
11:52 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
I've just finished a bible study concerning "bible prophesy and the economy". I got interested after hearing one of our top economist say, the current national debt, and budget deficit are unsustainable. Everybody knows if you spend more than you make, it won't be long before your finances hit the tipping point (a crash). The bible teaches that at the end of the age, when the Anti-Christ rules as Satan on the earth, that his power over the world will be economic Rev 13:17-18. Its only a global economic crash that can consolidate such power to one man.
We need to be aware of how close we are to such as economic collapse. This awareness will inspire us to live a life that matters, and encourage our evangelistic efforts through the church. Every nation on the planet is feeling the pressure of devalued currency, inflation, and outrageous debt. In America the national debt is 14 Trillion dollars. Here is a perspective on how much a trillion is. A million seconds is 12 days, a billion seconds is 31 years, a trillion seconds is 31,688 years. A trillion is a very big number. I read that the interest on our debt is 41 million dollars a day. As you see in the chart I've added, our shortfall is 1.27 trillion for this year alone. This is unsustainable.
To add to this debt problem, we are also facing a global fertility problem. Less people marrying and having children, mean less of a work force, thus less national income. The increased acceptance of same sex marraige means, further relationships that cannot produce children. Add to this the millions of abortions worldwide (60 million alone in the U.S.A. since 1973) and the pool of tax payers continues to shrink.
The Prophets of God have warned of this for years, but with the warning is a glorious hope. We can't stop what God has ordained, but we can prepare. The closer we are to this collapse, just puts us even closer to the coming of Jesus. Our hope can't be in politics, or Big business, our hope is Salvation as preached by the Lord Jesus Christ. This world is not permanent. To love this world and its things, is to miss Gods eternal plan for mankind. The love of money and sin has put this world on a course to collide with God. And as in the bible, God always wins. If you are a child of God, stay close to him. Do your best to clear your debts and save. If you are not a christian, its time now to look up to the cross, where the blood of Jesus still provides mercy to lost humanity. Head to church this week, surrender to God, and live to please him until he comes. You can reach me through my email address posted on the blog.
2:48 PM | Posted by Marty Carnegie
The "check engine indicator" came on in my car last month. When I took it in for repairs, the repair shop told me the cost would be $1025.00. After the initial shock, I asked him why it was so costly. The problem he described didn't seem so expensive. He started a lot of technical mechanic talk about a computerized detection system, and exhaust distribution. I said, "just break it down into simple english". He said, most of the newer cars have onboard computers which cause the repair cost to rise. After a while, I got his point. The cost of the repairs, can tell you a lot about the value of the car. Cheap car means cheap repairs, expensive cars means expensive repairs.
The entire human race has been broken by sin. The bible says "there is none righteous, no not one". God didn't fix humanity with therapy. He didn't use angels, or like politicians just throw money at the problem. In I Peter 1:18-19, the scripture says, we were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. Think about it for just a minute. It cost God the life of his son. What does the cost of fixing humanity say about the value of a soul. Rejoice, God is in love with you.
The Way Has Already Been Made
9:12 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
Recorded in Mark 16: 2-5 is a great little portion of the Easter story. Its says that the two Marys and Salome came early on Easter morning to anoint the body of Jesus. In verse 3 they ask the question "who will roll away the stone...for us?" The next verse says, as they approach the tomb, they saw that the stone was already rolled away. An angel of God had come, and moved it beforehand.
They assumed a problem before one exsisted. God knew they were on the way, and had already provided for them. Imagine the unnecessary torment and worry they had thinking they couldn't get the stone removed. Here is a good lesson to remember from Easter. Don't imagine problems that don't exsist, and when problems do arise, know that God sees before we do, and always make a way. Don't God.
They assumed a problem before one exsisted. God knew they were on the way, and had already provided for them. Imagine the unnecessary torment and worry they had thinking they couldn't get the stone removed. Here is a good lesson to remember from Easter. Don't imagine problems that don't exsist, and when problems do arise, know that God sees before we do, and always make a way. Don't God.
Stay On Point With The Gospel
12:14 PM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie
Just this last week, I've come across three different national surveys, that reveal a dangerous trend. Nationally many people both secular and religious, are accepting the popular belief, that Jesus Christ is not the only way to heaven. David Campbell, an author did a survey for a recent book. He surveyed 3000 protestants, 54% said christianity may not be the only way to heaven. USA Today a major American newspaper, surveyed confessing christians and found that 52% said, eternal life is not exclusive to those accepting Jesus. The last survey was a Pew Research Poll showing 57% of Evangelicals said, many religions can lead to Eternal life.
This is fearful considering the times we are living in. Jesus (the only savior) said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the father but by me". What is confusing about this? Its clear from the bible that Christ ALONE can bring salvation, which gives eternal life.
Popular culture is pushing an effective, yet deceptive message. Television, movies, the internet, colleges, along with entertainers seem to be getting through, even to church people. For years Holy Ghost preachers have been warning about the dangers of the media and its message. Right now, those forces seem to be winning the battle for the minds of our generation. The christian church must press the real message of Jesus as never before. If you are a part of the church, preach it without compromise. If you are searching, look to Christ not ungodly Hollywood.
When its all over, the truth of God will shine strong. You must be born again. Only Jesus can do
In the bible I Thes 5:23 says ...may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved...God is telling us clearly what this chart reveals. We, just like God are three in one. Health therefore is more than physical. I was washing my car a few weeks back and got a revelation. I worked so hard cleaning the outside, that I ran out of energy to do the inside. The week before that I had taken it in for a 3000 mile service. The engine was good, the outside was now clean, but the inside was still a mess. Two of the three parts that make up my car were clean and up to date, but one area was undone. It was looking good, but wasn't complete.
The word God uses in this bible verse is "santify you completely". God wants us totally healthy; spirit, soul, and body. It is so easy to fix up the physical, and not be healthy in the soul. Its just as easy to contend for soul health as in right choices and thinking, and not be in touch with the Spirit of God.
Be sure to work on the whole person daily. Try your best not to develop a one dimensional life, or as the old folks used to say, "lopsided". Prayer, worship and meditation feeds the spirit, the bible gives wisdom and direction to the soul, and exercise and healthy eating helps the body. Spiritual things must be contended for, soul issues thought through, and physical dangers avoided. The world focuses on one, but God says be complete.
I have since then finished my car. You should see it now...Oh Yeah...its complete.
World Economy In Bible Prophesy; 28 Jan 2011
11:52 AM | Posted by Pastor M.O. Carnegie

We need to be aware of how close we are to such as economic collapse. This awareness will inspire us to live a life that matters, and encourage our evangelistic efforts through the church. Every nation on the planet is feeling the pressure of devalued currency, inflation, and outrageous debt. In America the national debt is 14 Trillion dollars. Here is a perspective on how much a trillion is. A million seconds is 12 days, a billion seconds is 31 years, a trillion seconds is 31,688 years. A trillion is a very big number. I read that the interest on our debt is 41 million dollars a day. As you see in the chart I've added, our shortfall is 1.27 trillion for this year alone. This is unsustainable.
To add to this debt problem, we are also facing a global fertility problem. Less people marrying and having children, mean less of a work force, thus less national income. The increased acceptance of same sex marraige means, further relationships that cannot produce children. Add to this the millions of abortions worldwide (60 million alone in the U.S.A. since 1973) and the pool of tax payers continues to shrink.
The Prophets of God have warned of this for years, but with the warning is a glorious hope. We can't stop what God has ordained, but we can prepare. The closer we are to this collapse, just puts us even closer to the coming of Jesus. Our hope can't be in politics, or Big business, our hope is Salvation as preached by the Lord Jesus Christ. This world is not permanent. To love this world and its things, is to miss Gods eternal plan for mankind. The love of money and sin has put this world on a course to collide with God. And as in the bible, God always wins. If you are a child of God, stay close to him. Do your best to clear your debts and save. If you are not a christian, its time now to look up to the cross, where the blood of Jesus still provides mercy to lost humanity. Head to church this week, surrender to God, and live to please him until he comes. You can reach me through my email address posted on the blog.
2:48 PM | Posted by Marty Carnegie
The "check engine indicator" came on in my car last month. When I took it in for repairs, the repair shop told me the cost would be $1025.00. After the initial shock, I asked him why it was so costly. The problem he described didn't seem so expensive. He started a lot of technical mechanic talk about a computerized detection system, and exhaust distribution. I said, "just break it down into simple english". He said, most of the newer cars have onboard computers which cause the repair cost to rise. After a while, I got his point. The cost of the repairs, can tell you a lot about the value of the car. Cheap car means cheap repairs, expensive cars means expensive repairs.
The entire human race has been broken by sin. The bible says "there is none righteous, no not one". God didn't fix humanity with therapy. He didn't use angels, or like politicians just throw money at the problem. In I Peter 1:18-19, the scripture says, we were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. Think about it for just a minute. It cost God the life of his son. What does the cost of fixing humanity say about the value of a soul. Rejoice, God is in love with you.
The entire human race has been broken by sin. The bible says "there is none righteous, no not one". God didn't fix humanity with therapy. He didn't use angels, or like politicians just throw money at the problem. In I Peter 1:18-19, the scripture says, we were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. Think about it for just a minute. It cost God the life of his son. What does the cost of fixing humanity say about the value of a soul. Rejoice, God is in love with you.
Very Religious Americans Lead Healthier Lives
December 23, 2010
Very religious Americans are less likely to report that they smoke and are more likely to say they eat well and exercise regularly than those who are moderately religious or nonreligious. Nonreligious Americans have the worst health habits of the three groups.
This article appeared in the Gallup wellbeing news section. It looks like salvation is not just good for the souls, but also good for your health.
Very Religious Americans Lead Healthier Lives
December 23, 2010
Very religious Americans are less likely to report that they smoke and are more likely to say they eat well and exercise regularly than those who are moderately religious or nonreligious. Nonreligious Americans have the worst health habits of the three groups.
This article appeared in the Gallup wellbeing news section. It looks like salvation is not just good for the souls, but also good for your health.
6:01 PM | Posted by Marty Carnegie
Every year during the holiday season we preachers pray and contend for new ways to tell the two thousand year old story of Christ's birth. Along with telling the story of Christ's birth, I always seek to expose the secular worlds attempts to redefine what the season is.
Years ago I heard a story about a family who had a new baby, and as part of the celebrations for the new arrival, they had a baby dedication at their church. After the service friends and family were invited to the house for a grand reception and fellowship. When guests arrived the new baby was fast asleep, so the mother safely placed the child on the bed in her bedroom for a nap. One by one the guests came in, and members of the family took their coats and jackets and placed them on the bed. It wasn't long before the newborn baby was accidentally covered over by the garments. As the night went on someone asked where is the baby. When the child's mother went to get the baby, she realized that without knowing it, the family had completely covered the child with garments. As she pull back the clothes, to her shock the baby had suffocated to death. Everyone was having such a good time, they had forgotten the reason for being there, and killed the guest of honor.
No one should forget why we celebrate Christmas and who the honored guest is. We all enjoy the Christmas holiday season, but remember; The holiday is not about Christmas as much as it is about Christ. A Christmas holiday is not in the bible, but the birth of Christ is. Christmas day as a holiday was established to remember the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. If Jesus is not in the center of the holiday joy, then plain and simply it is not Christmas.
Wouldn't it be silly for someone to me to give them gifts on my birthday. They are to give me things I want, after all, its my birthday. Lets give Jesus what he wants this Christmas.
Years ago I heard a story about a family who had a new baby, and as part of the celebrations for the new arrival, they had a baby dedication at their church. After the service friends and family were invited to the house for a grand reception and fellowship. When guests arrived the new baby was fast asleep, so the mother safely placed the child on the bed in her bedroom for a nap. One by one the guests came in, and members of the family took their coats and jackets and placed them on the bed. It wasn't long before the newborn baby was accidentally covered over by the garments. As the night went on someone asked where is the baby. When the child's mother went to get the baby, she realized that without knowing it, the family had completely covered the child with garments. As she pull back the clothes, to her shock the baby had suffocated to death. Everyone was having such a good time, they had forgotten the reason for being there, and killed the guest of honor.
No one should forget why we celebrate Christmas and who the honored guest is. We all enjoy the Christmas holiday season, but remember; The holiday is not about Christmas as much as it is about Christ. A Christmas holiday is not in the bible, but the birth of Christ is. Christmas day as a holiday was established to remember the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. If Jesus is not in the center of the holiday joy, then plain and simply it is not Christmas.
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Pacific tanker caught in storm |
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U.S. Coast Guard rescue ship in a storm |
His main point was simple yet powerful. God's church (the body of Christ) is like a ship. Though beaten and battered, during a storm its still the safest place to be. He asked a question during the sermon. What would your life be without the church. I realized during the message that, the church never seems to get the credit it deserves. We are all saved because of the churches commitment to outreach, many met our spouses at church, got married at church, were blessed and ordained at church, dedicated our kids at church, buried our loved ones at church, and were taught the principles of God at church.
I know form being a pastor for years, that human nature with all its flaws can create many painful and difficult circumstances. Because the church is made up of people, it will surely be affected by decisions people make, both good and bad. Politicians and intellectuals attack the church. Economic hardship cripples the church. Moral failures embarrass the church, and disgruntled people criticize the church. So often the church is told, it didn't give enough, move fast enough, or respond sufficiently to a need. All of this constitutes a real battering. You can see what I mean by looking at the pictures I've posted of the two ships in a storm. Read church history and you'll see a long trail of persecution, assault, and criticism.
Our home church in Tucson Arizona |
There are lots of biblical verses that convict to the point of fear. One is the verse that says backsliders end up "seven times worse". Another is the scripture in Matthew 7:21 that says, "not everyone who says Lord..will enter the kingdom". I could mention a few others, but you get the point.
We are now officially in the holiday season. Thanksgiving followed by Christmas. Though these are spiritual traditions, the world has been successful in turning this time into a carnal frenzy of materialism, spending, and partying. So many become instantly selfish for the holidays. God's purpose for this time of year is to reflect spiritually, enjoy family, and be thankful. The bible has always highlighted gratitude as one of the most blessed virtues. Not only does thankfulness keep us humble, but it also opens the spirit to greater dimensions of revelation and growth.
Romans 1:21 is one of those unique verses I mentioned that causes us to shake with alarm. It says,"..they did not glorify him..niether were they thankful.." It goes on to describe, darkened and foolish hearts that come from ingratitude. Its so clear that gratitude blesses the spiritual man, while ingratitude brings a curse. It should be our normal practice to attend church and thank God for his son Jesus. Imagine how sweet life would be if all the world would stop and say Thank-You Jesus. The same sweetness would happen if we all thanked those who have helped us along lifes journey. Think of the contribution of Parents, spouses, teachers, advisors, even blessed neighbors and friends. Write a letter, send a gift, make a phone call, send a text or email this holiday season to just say thank-you. You would be amazed what it will do for the recipient. The bible already teaches us what it will do for you. Be thankful, you'll be a blessing and you'll get a blessing. Lets take this special time of year and make it what it should be. A time of worship, reflection, and gratitude to God first, and to all those he's put in our life to love us unconditionally. Thank-You God for giving us Jesus...Thank-You Jesus for giving your life for us.

During my recent trip to the United Kingdom, I was once again made aware of the importance of the word sacrifice. It has always been a word that brings up mixed feelings especially in christian service, and almost always in marraige. The bible verse in Romans 12:1 says "present your body..a living sacrifice". We seem to hear it, but not really enjoy it. During the conference in Rotherhithe, I watched as the members of the church put on a major display of sacrifice. The church staff sacrificed to make sure all the delegates were looked after and comfortable. The ladies serving during the break sacrificed to refresh the visitors. The disciples sacrificed as ushers and parking attendants. The worship team sacrificed to prepare to lead us into the presence of God. I saw it everywhere. Even Ps Ajala stayed up till 3:00am with me on my final night in England, wow what a sacrifice. It was especially real when the couples answered the call to pioneer new churches both overseas and in England. What makes me so grateful, is to know that, none of this was pushed or forced on these saints, they offered it as a sacrifice to God. This is what advances the Kingdom of God, this is what Satan hates. Our human nature is naturally selfish, and despises sacrifice. This is why God makes such a big deal about it, and promises to reward it so graciously. Read Gods's promise in Mark 10:29-30, he promises all who sacrifice, one hundred fold in this life and in the life to come eternal life. Never run from sacrifice, remember we are saved because of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. He didn't have to do it, but true love always makes a worthy sacrifice. We should follow his example in our devotional life, giving, and family. Remember sacrifice in the seed for your joy filled future in Christ. Stay blessed
The bible says in Psalms 119:89 "forever oh Lord, thy word is settled in heaven". Pretty awesome words, wouldn't you agree? Doesn't it mean that whatever is in The Bible, is set, established, and unchangeable? I get another revelation from this verse, simply that the bible is designed to be our manual for Core Values.
I was working out in California with a trainer recently. I explained my normal routine to him, and he told me I was going about it all wrong. He told me real fitness is that which strenghens the Core. As he explained, I realized that all of the cosmetic fitness is for looks. Core training works the part of us, that might not show in huge biceps, but will hold us, give endurance, and create balance for a lifetime. Really good fitness trainers will focus on what I now know to be called Core Training.
This is what God is revealing in the Scripture I quoted. The Bible is the Core. Many things may be interesting in this life, but real living much be based on the Core. At the center of an apple is its core. All that we enjoy about eating apples, is its flesh centered around the core. God created us to be centered around his word. In the bible there are core values and core principles that if ignored, will make life hard and painful. Many good peoples lives have been cut short because they have rejected Gods core biblical truth. The ten commandments are a good place to start getting re-familiar with Gods Core. They are listed in Exodus 20:1-17. We all need spiritual core training for a life of blessing and service to God. Be Blessed!
Our World Needs a Move of God...Again
8:25 AM | Posted by Marty Carnegie
In new testement book of Acts, a very revealing story takes place. Acts 8: 5-8 says Philip the evangelist went to Samaria preaching Christ, and a revival broke out. This is the cry of Gods heart as well as the hope of the world. This was not man generated or denominationally organized, God came down in power. This is what preaching does, challenges the wrong mindsets of the world, breaks sins power in peoples lives, and establishes dominion over the demonic world. Today we have a culture lost and out of control. Every agency known to man is trying to fix the problems of Violence, drugs, alcoholism, sexual abuse, perversion, hate, racism, crime, suicide, the list goes on. So far nothing has worked. Not even the mighty talk show gurus of our time can help. They talk, gain ratings, and send people home broken. These bible verses tell of God's solution. In verse six it says "they heeded the things spoken by Philip"

In the Old Testement, Amos 6:1 says "woe to you who are at ease in zion..". Do you think it strange that God would pronounce a bad outlook for the future on ease. The verse should get our attention because we all like ease. Come on be for real here, we like easy work, easy money, easy school. Because I travel a lot, I sure do appreciate flying into the easy airports. I don't love fast food, but sometime its easier than the hassel of waiting lists at a finer resturant. Its part of living in this flesh, we like ease.
God says ease is not good in zion (the city or house of God). When it comes to spiritual things, easier is not better. Its not always easy to pray, but pray we must. Living a life of discipline isn't easy, but the benefits are without question. Its easier to lie than tell the truth, its easier to be selfish than to serve. I've spoken to quite a few people who've said to me its easier to be on welfare than it is to work a full time job and pay taxes. All of this may be true, but we can't ignore the bible. God says "WOE". The future will not be bright for anyone who lives for ease. Consider the future for someone who enjoys the ease of sleeping all day. What future do they have. Or think about a couple who knows it would be easier to divorce than to work out their issues, and fight for the family. You may be facing a choice; the easy way or Gods way. Don't do what feels easiest, but do that which will bless the days ahead, and give God glory. Remember; easier feels better but its not always best. Be Blessed.
For a long time, I've been wanting to post comments on critical issues of our day, but time has always hindered me. Today I have a few hours to spare, and wanted to sound off about a recent conversation I had. As I shared Christ with a young man, I was frustrated with his distorted view of Christianity. Though he was articulate and knowledgeable, he was clearly ignorant of biblical christianity.
No matter what I said about Jesus and his sacrificial death on the cross, he always managed to return to a discussion of right and wrong. His view of christianity was nothing more than a code of ethics and morality. His view is quite popular around the world today. So many people think christianity is a conduct code to make people good. Christ will surely make people good, but the message of the bible is firstly to be saved. The good in christianity is the by-product of salvation. We are not saved by being good, but being saved allows us to be good. My friends thinking distorts the gospel message, and causes many to miss the real power of the redemption story.
This distortion is now common among believers. In Josh Mcdowell's book "the last christian generation" he gives results of a survey to young christians. 70% believe that doing good will help you get into heaven. Jesus clearly told Nicodemus in John 3, that goodness is not the ticket to eternal life. He said "you must be born again". Once right and wrong identifies the gospel, the next debate becomes, who's right and who's wrong. This was what my friend and I kept debating. I was constantly confronted with comments like, "what makes you right and me wrong, or whats right for you may not be right for me. While he wanted to play this philosophical ping pong game, he couldn't understand the sin nature and the mercy of Jesus.
Remember this, God solved the sin problem of humanity by giving Jesus to die for us. God chose to forgive sins by faith in Christ, this is the joy of the gospel. whether you are good, bad, weak, strong. Once saved, the desire to be good becomes our gift to God to demostrate his power and witness his faithfulness to a lost world
Threat Of Sexual Seduction
4:07 PM | Posted by Marty Carnegie

If you've been hiding under a rock for the past 20 years, then let me remind you, that we are living in a generation of sexual seduction. Young and old, married and single, saved and unsaved, everyone can feel the pull of this endemic poison. Because we are all sexual creatures, we must educate ourselves about what the bible has to say about this, and learn how to survive in this generation.
Proverbs 7 in the bible, gives a clear account of the seductress, and the ultimate goal of our enemy. Verse 6-26, tells the story of a foolish man void of understanding, who was lured into adultery and destroyed. 8-10, says he passed her street, and took the path to her house. God is clearly telling us, there are places we should not be. Sometimes protection is in avoidance. Then verse 12 says, the seductress was in places where married women should not be. All of us can learn from this. Its important to be santified, seperated from the places these things tend to occur. It is also wise to not be entertained by anything that is a cesspool of sexual images. Verse 21, mentions her enticing speech and flattery. Words have great power. Its not strange that Satan has soiled the music industry with sexual seductive lyrics. Its not strange that sexual novels, and magazines are in so many bookstores. Be wise, be santified, and be safe. We must protect ourself and our families.
The end of this text says in verse 26-27, she has wounded many, slain strong men, and led many to hell. Thats always the end of being seduced sexually. God has condemned sexual sin in all forms. He alone knows the real issues and destructive powers of sexual seduction. Our world wants to paint a pretty picture of this, but recent high profile cheaters have proven again, that only Gods word is true. Broken families and expensive divorces should serve as a warning to those who lack understanding. Stay faithful in your marraige, or stay celibate until you get married. It may sound old fashioned in our times, but its still the safest deal on earth. What feels so good to the flesh, will be very damaging to the soul. Verse 25, warns, guard your heart. A sermon on this same topic is coming soon.
The good news about the gospel of Jesus Christ, is that no where in the bible does God teach that sexual sin is "the unpardonable sin". People who commit sexual sin, may have many troubles. Their personal lives may be in for a rough ride, but they can be forgiven and completely restored. No one offers this but Jesus. A muslim might be stoned to death, but a child of God can be totally forgiven.
Spiritual Sight In An Unspiritual World
9:02 PM | Posted by Marty Carnegie
I recently spoke to a married couple who were struggling spiritually, because after two years of trying the wife couldn't get pregnant. They asked for prayer because the husband was starting to question his faith. There are so many situations in life that can cause us all to feel that same frustration.
God says in Eph 1:17-18, "that God..may give you wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him...your eyes being enlightened..that you may know what is the hope...and the riches..of the inheritance in the saints”.
This bible verse suggests we live a world, and operate under a system where it is easy to get distorted views of God. God is saying to us, we need spiritual sight in this unspiritual world. Nature reveals certain things about God, but its no enough. History also can teach us about Gods past dealings, but it falls way short of revelation. We must have spiritual illumination. Prayer, devotion, and worship allows the Holy Spirit to work this in us. Life has lots of tormenting trails and setbacks, but faith is equal to them all. Pain, sickness, and sorrow normally cause us to feel down and look down. Remember, that’s the way of the world. As believers we are told to trust God, and keep the faith. The unspiritual world is not our home or our hope, God is, and he has never failed us yet.
Imagine A World Without Jesus
3:07 PM | Posted by Marty Carnegie

In the bible; John 8:12, Jesus describes himself in a special way, he said "I am the light of the world". We all know that light eliminates darkness. Light reveals, its also enhances vision. Light exposes hidden things. Where would we be today if there was no light. I meditated on this, and got some good revelation about the coming of Jesus into the world. If Jesus had not come into this world, the world would be a very dark place. Just think....
The aid and charity agencies that developed as a response to Jesus call to care for the poor, would not exist. The barbaric cannibles who used to eat humans would have never heard the gospel and been delivered. Slavery and polygamy would still be normal. Most schools, hospitals, and the American university system all came from the Christian faith. Marraige as we know it, would not exist. Weddings and funerals as they are today, would disappear. Jesus Christ brought us so much, that its hard to name everything.
Our world is better and brighter because of Him. There is a very clear difference among peoples and nation that have accepted Christ and rejected him. He truly is the light of the world. Let him lighten your world today.
g raises risk of health problems, dying young
By Amanda Gardner,
June 14, 2011 4:17 p.m. EDT
For every additional two hours people spend watching TV, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 20%.
- More TV you watch, the more likely you are to die at an earlier age
- New analysis elevates the importance of the sedentary lifestyle as a risk factor
- Americans spend no fewer than five hours a day in front of the TV
( -- No one ever claimed that watching TV was healthy, but doctors are only now discovering just how bad it can be.
Evidence from a spate of recent studies suggests that the more TV you watch, the more likely you are to develop a host of health problems and to die at an earlier age.
In a new analysis published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers combined data from eight such studies and found that for every additional two hours people spend glued to the tube on a typical day, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 20% and their risk of heart disease increases by 15%.
And for every additional three hours the study participants spent in front of the TV, their risk of dying from any cause during the respective studies jumped 13%, on average.
"When put together, the findings are remarkably consistent across different studies and different populations," says Frank Hu, M.D., a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston, Massachusetts, who coauthored the analysis.
The increased risk of disease tied to TV watching "is similar to what you see with high cholesterol or blood pressure or smoking," says Stephen Kopecky, M.D., a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who was not involved in the research. The new analysis, he adds, "elevates the importance of the sedentary lifestyle" as a risk factor.
"[TV watching] is not a good behavior for you no matter where you are in life, whether you're young or old," Kopecky says.
Extended TV watching has reached epidemic proportions, especially in the U.S.
Around the world, people spend more time engaged in this pastime than in any other activity except working and sleeping, but by one estimate the average American spends no fewer than five hours a day in front of the TV -- more than Europeans and Australians.
"That's a lot," Hu says.
The connection between TV and disease isn't a mystery. TV watching eats up leisure time that could be spent walking, exercising, or even just moving around, and it has also been linked to unhealthy diets, including consuming too much sugar, soda, processed food, and snacks -- foods, perhaps not coincidentally, that are often found in television commercials.