QueensLand, Australia...1-2012

Australia, and its flag
This was my first ever visit to the city of Brisbane, in the state of QueensLand. Its a beautiful city right along the coast. Pastor Peter & Kerri Field are building an exciting, faithful church here. Ps Field and his family have been friends to me for years, and each place he's pastored, God's favor has been on them. The church here is truly multi-cultural. I met folks from places I'd never heard of in the Pacific Islands. People from many backgrounds all lifting up Jesus.
Crowds gather for church
5 got saved 
The Field clan, all loving Jesus
One thing that stood out to me in Brisbane, was the visitors. Many kept saying it was their 1st time visiting the church. Others came by invitation of friends, but God set it all up, and we watched souls come to God each night. On the final night, Ps Field reported 20 filled with the Holy Ghost.
Sis Kerri and her disciples..Darcy under the wig
Hunger for Gods word
Bring all our issues to Jesus
As you can see from the pictures, the last day of revival, was also a national holiday, AUSTRALIA DAY. This would be like our 4th of July. Everyone came showing their patriotic side. We celebrated Jesus and Australia. It was such a refreshing atmosphere. I felt so good, I'm going to try and get back..same time next year.
Everyone celebrating Australia Day
Ps Field and I overlooking the city
Monique got saved and testified..no more smoking..Free
He led the church in the national anthem

Las Vegas, NM Revival 1-2012

Las Vegas New Mexico, is a city full of history and wonder. Revival meetings have always been outstanding here, and this time was the same, with more added. I was so moved by the amount of visitors from the city came to the meetings. After years of faithful ministry, this small mountain town is still yielding fruit for God. There was not one night that people didn't get saved. The saints here just kept wanting more of the word. Even after years of knowing Christ,  the fire still burns for God among these wonderful people.
opening revival with prayer
congregation in Las Vegas
yielding to God on the altar
special music, was special
Ps Anthony, cant wait for the altar
It was my birthday on the last night of revival. So many times I'm away from home preaching during my birthday, but each time I'm blessed to be with friends. Sis Patsy and the church saints put together a fellowship for the Trujillo's relocation to Denver, and my Birthday, we had a great time. Its a great testimony to see all the new faces in the church. God is still moving greatly for the Rubi's in Las Vegas.
Sis Patsy, during the fellowship
young men, getting saved

Consider...The Inner Man

I've been attending the Bible Conference this week. During one of the services, I sat next to a young man who was really on fire for God. We spoke and I could sense his very real passion for Jesus. He said he was 30 year old and he'd been a christian for 13 years, and spoke highly of his pastor and his church.

My spirit was just a bit troubled though because of the way he carried himself. I'm in no way trying to question his relationship with God, but this observation is worthy of consideration. He had his cap on backwards, his trousers were sagging and he walked in a rocking motion with his shoes untied. His extra long belt was dragging the ground. I couldn't figure out the belt since his trousers were hanging so low. The brother was praising God, yet he was imitating a gangsta rap crew. The inconvenient truth is this; we do become like whatever we worship. The bible does challenge us to be "conformed to the image of Christ" and again "be transformed by the renewing of your mind".
Lets just praise Jesus?

He seemed to be a good brother with a good spirit, yet untaught and un-challenged in his personal christian development (discipleship). Becoming gangsta for a performance to reach the lost is one thing, but living it daily after 13 years with Jesus is troubling.  I have always believed and taught that a healthy society is one where people act and dress their age, as an example to those coming behind them. I know that clothes don't determine ones salvation, but things like this can speak of maturity, growth, and even sanctification. Our culture is image driven. Its a sign of the emptiness that sin breeds into us all. Jesus on the inside should bring security and satisfaction and healing. Our world needs to see a christian community thats free and at peace with Christ.

 Jesus did teach us that, the inner man is more crucial than the outward man, and that what's on the inside will manifest outwardly. The Holy Spirit through salvation helps us address deep, hidden, inner issues, and sins, so we can be free. Lets not simply paint over, or dress up, and portray an image. Let Jesus live and work on the inside through the word of God.  I still remember the truth of that old song, "Jesus on the inside, working on the outside". Something to consider.

New Years Fellowship..Upper Darby PA 2011/2012

I joined the Upper Darby, PA Church for their annual New Years Revival and Fellowship. I encouraged the saints on the final night, to let 2012 be a year of walking in Gods blessings. The sermon was..get in position for the blessing of God to fall. It was good praying with new souls. Imagine having New Years as a spiritual birthday. 
these plates were not empty for long
Jesus also broke bread and fellowshiped

international menu for the night
The five services were great. Great deliverance, great worship, and hope for the new year. After the service we gathered for a time of fellowship. We enjoyed international cuisine. Old and young saints alike attended, got fired up, and prayed for a fruitful new year.
Mrs Overson, was on point
10:00pm, already celebrating
Joy for 2012
I was so blessed seeing all the changes to the church building. Ps Overson's vision for the area is real. They have extended the sanctuary and decorated the building in anticipation of all that God will do. We prayed, God..fill the church with hungry souls this year. Its already began.
praying in the new year

New Years Posts...2012

These two posts generated a lot of positive response, so I decided to put them up on the blog for those who might not follow the social networks.

Face changes in 2012 day by day. Change 1 thing first. A mile starts with 1 step, A million starts with 1 cent. Change starts with 1 choice.

Each New Year means 365 new days to serve God. Remember, changing the date on the calendar won't make it a happy new year, but new choices will. Without a new you, this year will just be an extension of 2011. Do at least one new thing this year, if nothing else, draw closer to God. Welcome to 2012, Happy New You.