Las Vegas New Mexico, is a city full of history and wonder. Revival meetings have always been outstanding here, and this time was the same, with more added. I was so moved by the amount of visitors from the city came to the meetings. After years of faithful ministry, this small mountain town is still yielding fruit for God. There was not one night that people didn't get saved. The saints here just kept wanting more of the word. Even after years of knowing Christ, the fire still burns for God among these wonderful people.
opening revival with prayer |
congregation in Las Vegas |
yielding to God on the altar |
special music, was special |
Ps Anthony, cant wait for the altar |
It was my birthday on the last night of revival. So many times I'm away from home preaching during my birthday, but each time I'm blessed to be with friends. Sis Patsy and the church saints put together a fellowship for the Trujillo's relocation to Denver, and my Birthday, we had a great time. Its a great testimony to see all the new faces in the church. God is still moving greatly for the Rubi's in Las Vegas.
Sis Patsy, during the fellowship |
young men, getting saved |