This is Thanksgiving week. Say Thank-you to those who have benefited you. #1 Thanks goes to Jesus. There are three morally important terms that are slowly loosing their meaning. Excuse me, I'm sorry, and Thank-you. Each of these can be said today without much meaning.

Make an extra effort to write, call or message someone to say thanks. It will make someone's day, and it will make you a more thoughtful & spiritual person. Above all, thank God for Jesus and our great salvation. He didn't have to do it, but He did. Thank Him.
This is Thanksgiving week. Say Thank-you to those who have benefited you. #1 Thanks goes to Jesus. There are three morally important terms that are slowly loosing their meaning. Excuse me, I'm sorry, and Thank-you. Each of these can be said today without much meaning.

Make an extra effort to write, call or message someone to say thanks. It will make someone's day, and it will make you a more thoughtful & spiritual person. Above all, thank God for Jesus and our great salvation. He didn't have to do it, but He did. Thank Him.

I was inspired by this picture. The sculptor has a vision in his head & starts chipping away at everything excess, until what he sees is formed. The pile of stone chips at the bottom, is what had to be removed for the masterpiece to appear.

Hallelujah; This is how God develops us. He chips away all the things in us that are inconsistent with his will, until the mature, obedient child of God appears.

Be encouraged, it may hurt, but Gods at work & beauty is being formed. Keep holding on.

Holiness is the bible word that means "to separate". People don't like the word, because they don't understand it. It's to separate from sinful things & be closer to Godly things.

Holiness isn't personal perfection, its your gift to God &
yourself. Holiness brings you favor from God, credibility as His witness & strength against temptation.

Grace forgives our sins & helps our weakness, but holiness gives us dominion to represent God to our lost world. Pray to live holy, its the missing piece.

The bible declares "THE EARTH IS THE LORDS". Remember, God is not resigning because Romney lost & God is not greater because Obama won.

Jesus remains Lord over America, just like He was last week, and forever will be. The bible is still o
ur governing document, and salvation remains our only hope.

Pray for the president & serve God. Don't let politics discourage or encourage you to much. Let's remain, "one nation under God".


A judges final verdict is usually proclaimed by striking the gavel. The gavel has been struck. God is the final judge & his word is universal law. Gods verdict can't be debated or changed.

Our appeals oriented society, hates final verdicts
. Lawyers wants to argue, politicians want to spin, educators want to discuss, but God has struck the gavel. Jesus said "the word will never pass away".

Once God says its wrong, it doesn't matter who's for it & once God says its right, it doesn't matter who's against it.