There always seems to be something about the state of Georgia. I used to hear those songs about Georgia years ago, "rainy night in Georgia", "Georgia on my mind", and the classic, "midnight train to Georgia". People might wonder, what is it about Georgia, well I saw it last week. God is moving in Georgia. Our meetings in Athens were truly refreshing. The church is alive, the saints are hospitable, and the food is good. Pastor Gene had a mens class on Saturday night, and it looked like about 50 plus men came. Its was also good to see the number of visiting men who gave their lives to Jesus. Night after night we saw visitors to the services, as well as a few old timers from years ago, stop in.
Ps Gene, leading in prayer |
caught him bible reading each night before service |
full attendance nightly |
Brother Patrick lined up an interview with a local radio station. Ps Gene and I had time to share the gospel over the radio, and invite the entire city to the services. Before we left the station, a lady spoke to us who was listening in her car, and got the address, and said, "i'm coming tonight". It was a week of Gods favor. The church is seeing a fresh group of students from the university starting to attend services. One evening an entire row was full of UGA students, hungry for God. Ps Gene said, this hasn't happened for over 20 years. Georgia is truly on Gods heart. Pray for the church in Athens that God would help them to purchase a building they are working on.
we're ready, lets praise Jesus |
Ps Gene and Cheryl LaValley |
getting saved at the mens class |
Lively services, God with us |
mens discipleship class, Saturday night |
Patrick..this brother got the'll get on you |