On this U.K. trip, I preached in four churches. I started off with two services in Cardiff Wales. I landed at Heathrow airport, drove up to Wales, changed and went into service with Pastor Jacques. At the first invitation six souls came up for salvation. I knew right away, God has blessed and made this trip fruitful. From Cardiff, it was on to Bristol, Bromley and I ended in Birmingham. For years now England has been a very fruitful harvest field. Many were saved in each of those revivals. All kinds of people showed up, from hard sinners, backsliders and religious seekers to Rastas. I didn't get the usual amount of photos on this trip, but here are a few to let you see these works, and see how our investment over the years has built strong churches throughout the U.K. There is also a testimony by a former Rastafarian lady named Omana, its on the testimony page. If I had to choose a word to sum up these meetings it would be deliverance. Many testified of finding inner victory for bondages.
Bristol, worship service |
Bristol, praise team is excellent |
Bristol, packed services |
Bristol, Ps Clyde & Aaron |
Bromley, Ps Ayo, Carolyn, and kids |
Bromley, Altar call |
Bromley, calling on Jesus |
Bromley, Altar call |
Birmingham, Praise team |
Birmingham, paying close attention |
Birmingham, Young, old, black, white..for Jesus |
Birmingham, serious sounds |
Birmingham, Ps Joe & family |
Birmingham, packed house |