David defeats Goliath |
Got home from Alaska last night and woke up thinking of the goodness of God. All over the state of Alaska you see the beauty of Gods creation and you feel humbled at his wisdom. I was reading about David's victory over Goliath and got a joyful revelation, "everything God does is not only good, but greater than anything man can do".
Goliath was professionally trained by man, yet he fell to a untrained shepherd boy. When God does something its always better than anything this world can do. Remember I Cor 1:27 in the New Testemant, it says: "God has chosen the foolish, to shame the wise, and the weak to shame the mighty. The scripture tells us that God deliberately brings down mans best, to reveal his glory. It makes you look back an wonder.
Titanic sinking 15 April 1912 |
The Ark, Gods design |
Remember the mighty ship Titanic. They said "it is so well built, not even God could sink it". Well it sank on its first and only voyage killing over 1500 people. The titanic was one of this worlds greatest achievements, yet it failed miserably. Compare the Titanic to Noah's Ark, which was built under instruction from God, by a simple man, with common materials, with no high tech tools. It survived a universal flood storm, and saved humanity. When God does something, its all good.
Solomon never attended one of our Ivy League universities, yet he was the wisest of all, because God gave him wisdom. We all must fight the temptation to love this world and its ways more than God. This sinful world though fancy, flashy, and seductive cannot give you more, or make you better than God can. So many smarter and richer have learned the hard way, what history and the bible makes clear. God is the creator, sustainer, and savior of humanity. Salvation is God's plan for humanity. It may seem strange that a man on a cross would have to die for our sins, but its God way. There is no other way of salvation.
Ephesians 2:8....For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of YOURSELF. It is the gift of GOD. Not of works lest any man should boast...