October 3-7 was the annual South London Bible Conference. As always is the case, God visited the saints, spoke to us, and increase our vision for the harvest and personal victory in our life. Over 20 churches were represented as part of the Rotherhithe assembly. Ps Ajala started off the conference Monday night with his message about Jail Breaking, delivering a world in bondage.
As always, bro Dimitri led us into Gods presence |
Ps Tops and Joanna, getting praise on... |
hearts open to Gods word |
I was touched by the quality of the ministry coming from the men out of the church. Ps Colin delivered a classic message about having a hole in your gospel. His illustration of a bible with a big hole in it made the point. Ps Jamile also preached a great word about saying yes to God. I watched as these brothers preached with conviction under a great anointing. Every sermon I heard moved me. Ps Kosi's sermon about famine is a must for all Christians.
Outreach after morning seminars |
Lifting up Jesus |
Ready for it |
praise team..on point each night |
Right after the morning seminar we had an outreach to Camberwell. It was so powerful seeing all the conference delegates on outreach preaching. Pastor Desmond Bell from France took the microphone and called the nation to repentance. It was great. Night after night the Holy Spirit kept lifting us, and encouraging the fellowship of believers.
Ps Clyde giving a report |
Ps Carnegie message, come out with your stuff |
Ps Jamile ministered, say yes to God |
Ps Al ministered..overcoming guilt |
It's so refreshing to see all that God is doing in this South London fellowship of churches. From the early days of desperate young converts, God has raised up an army of christian workers now spread across the globe. International churches out of this body are now in; Namibia, Jamaica, Ghana and soon to be in America. Look at what God can do if we'd just say yes.
Representing Namibia |
Excited on International night |
Ps Colins sermon, hole in your gospel |
saints from all across England |
Awesome presence of Jesus |
Next years conference will be the first week of October 2012. If you missed this one, don't miss the next one. There was joy in the house.