beautiful Denver metro area |
A lot of American cities are beautiful, Denver is right at the top of the list. I preached for a good friend, Pastor Rusty Seals in the city of Aurora an Eastern suburb of Denver. The Holy Spirit really helped us during the week, bringing souls to salvation, and touching many supernaturally. Before revival Pastor Seals said to me, he believed God was going to do something special. Thats exactly what happened during the meetings.
packed out attendance |
really saved young people |
We're having revival |
During the first service Pastor said he had a record attendance. I gave the altar call and watched as visitors came to Jesus. This set the tone for what we'd see all week. I saw many young people responding, many sinners and backsliders. Its very hard to put into words the joy that we felt each night. Voices were lifted, hands raised, and tears shed as God touched hearts in response to his word. One brother in the back kept shouting AMEN, some may have felt it was distracting but it was a joy to see his soul on fire.
sisters on fire for God |
brothers in love with Jesus |
Jesus make me clean |
Good-bye world, hello Jesus |
Pastor Rusty and Kristi |
We also had a time of healing on the Tuesday night and had testimonies of body's touched by the Holy Spirit. The simplest miracles bring so much joy, knowing God is in the midst. After years of preaching, I'm still amazed at how God knows us and knows what we need. So many spoke to me about how certain messages were just what they needed. Faith comes alive when we experience an on time word. We finished off the week by seeing 15 filled with the Holy Spirit. God is building a church in Aurora.
God drew them in |
Hungry for Jesus |
Uplifting Praises |