A word of Liberty |
We have been hearing about the earthquakes in the pacific, well God sent another shaking during our revival on the Island of GUAM. As the services started each night, we could see visitors coming in. The praise team did a wonderful job bringing in the presence of Jesus, and God took over. Each invitation was simple, but many came forward. Pastor Cluck said on Sunday alone there were over 30 decisions for Christ. I'm sure we counted over 10 souls each night, which would be about 70 saved for the week. It felt more like a crusade than a revival, God got loose in the place.
Healings, deliverances, and salvation |
Bro John, Victor, Ps Cluck & I |
Bible says, Blow a trumpet in Zion |
One lady testified of being in a car crash, having a spinal injury and pain. After prayer she gave God glory because the pain was gone. Another woman had a stroke which effected her left side. After prayer she was raising her arm, and praising the God of Heaven who touched and healed her. From the platform it seemed as if the entire church was on the altar during the prayer time, it was powerful.
Praising Jesus nightly |
Old gospel song, "I love Jesus" heaven came in |
prayer warriors before services |
On the final night as is tradition, we prayed for the Holy Spirit. Oh MY....It was like pentecost. Young converts and older saints alike getting a fresh touch from God. I asked for a show of hands, and 40 people lifted their hands saying they were baptised. Pastor Glen and I were in agreement during the week that, revival can fix a lot of things, and do what no man can do. The joy of the Lord has given us strength.
each night over 10 souls saved |
A packed house each service |
appreciation poster given to me after the revival |