What a great time Barbara and I had with the saints from the South London Churches. I preach 5 revival services, had fellowship, and finished with a marraige retreat for couples. We saw many people get saved, healed, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Visitors came pouring in each night. During the altar call one evening, the praise became electric as the saints reached out to touch Jesus. Many of our good friends in the church cooked for us. I think we had fellowship overload, what a joy. The Robinson's did a great job hosting a get together on Tuesday night. We ate, played games, laughed, and Appreciated what God was doing in the revival. I didn't get an official count, but we estimated about 150 couples attended the marraige weekend. I spoke about Hope, Forbearance, Amazing Love, and Serving your spouse. Everyone left excited, and full of faith for their marraiges. Pastor Ajala and Emine have done a wonderful job leading the congreation, and the South London Fellowship of churches. Keep them in prayer. The conference is coming up in October.
Happy wives, made good preachers |
about 150 couples at marraige retreat |
worship service in South London |
Ladies in love with the Lord |
Barb and I with Danny and Louise |
Ps Ajala & Jamile "after church fellowship |
Ushers had a busy week with visitors |
touching Jesus during praise |